Monday, December 30, 2019

What Is a Crustacean - Information on Crustaceans

Question: What Is a Crustacean? Crustaceans are animals in the Phylum Arthropoda and Subphylum Crustacea. The word crustacean comes from the Latin word crusta, which means shell. Answer: Crustaceans are a very diverse group of invertebrate animals which includes active animals such as the crabs, lobsters, shrimp, krill, copepods, amphipods and more sessile creatures like barnacles. Characteristics of Crustaceans All crustaceans have: A hard, but flexible exoskeleton or shellTwo pairs of antennaeA pair of mandibles (which are appendages used for eating)Two pairs of maxillae on their heads (additional mouth parts located after the mandibles)Two compound eyes, often on stalksSegmented bodies with appendages on each body segmentGills Crustaceans are animals in the Phylum Arthropoda, and Subphylum Crustacea. Classes, or broad groups of crustaceans, include the Branchiopoda (branchiopods), Cephalocarida (horseshoe shrimp), Malacostraca (the class that is probably most important to humans, and includes crabs, lobsters, and shrimps), Maxillopoda (which includes copepods and barnacles), Ostracoda (seed shrimp), Remipedia (remipedes, and Pentastomida (tongue worms). Crustaceans are diverse in form and live around the world in a variety of habitats - even on land. Marine crustaceans live anywhere from shallow intertidal areas to the deep sea. Crustaceans and Humans Crustaceans are some of the most important marine life to humans - crabs, lobsters and shrimp are widely fished and consumed around the world. They may also be used in other ways - crustaceans like land hermit crabs may also be used as pets, and marine crustaceans may be used in aquariums. In addition, crustaceans are very important to other marine life, with krill, shrimp, crabs and other crustaceans serving as prey for marine animals such as whales, pinnipeds, and fish.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X Essay - 825 Words

Two of the greatest know civil rights speakers in the United States was Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm x. Both of these men had two very different views on what they thought would be the best way for blacks to get equality. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in his main philosophy which was non violent resistance. Martin used the teachings from Ghandi to teach African Americans how to use non violent resistance as a way to earn equality. He also believed that blacks should try to find common ground between them and the white community and that this is not war it is just injustice vs. justice. The way that Malcolm x put it into perspective made many blacks want to join his side of the fight for freedom because Malcolm x believed that†¦show more content†¦Malcolm x had a philosophy of black nationalism. His philosophy was that blacks should fight for what their freedom and not just sit back and relax while the black race decreases in hope of getting equality. When Malco lm first started out he had a lot of people come and follow him because they were sick of waiting for their freedom. Malcolm x told people that the only way for them to get what they wanted was to fight back when the going gets tough and not let the police tell you what to do. African Americans believed that they would get peace with the white race for all African Americans. Martin Luther told people to not give up even though peace may seem far away if you stay strong it will come to you. Malcolm x thought differently he persuaded all blacks that if they waited for justice that it would never come because they would just keep on getting beaten by the police, so he told all African Americans to fight back. Many African Americans and the white community thought that using non violence was a cowardly act on their part and would just lead to more police brutality. So instead of looking for a fight they tried to find common ground between them and work towards a friendship. While l ooking for common ground King reminded people that the fight for freedom was injustice vs. justice and believed that justice would eventually be served to those who deserve it. Malcolm x thought very differently, he knewShow MoreRelatedMartin Luther King Vs Malcolm X1436 Words   |  6 PagesSelene Sandoval Professor Solheim History 108 CRN # 20244 16 October 2016 Martin Luther King VS Malcolm X Ronald Regan once said: â€Å"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.† In fact, American history has had a great deal of leaders that brought change by improving the lives of others. These leaders introduced new ideas, models, and theories toRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. vs. Malcolm X997 Words   |  4 PagesMartin Luther King Jr. vs. Malcolm X Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both fought for the same goal, but had different ways of achieving this goal. They both fought against civil rights and were leaders in the civil rights movement. The way they were brought up is a good explanation for their differences; King was brought up in a wealthy family, while X was raised in the ghetto to a poor family. Both fought against unfair laws, Social Discrimination, and Racial segregation, but theyRead MoreMalcolm X vs. Martin Luther King Jr.1723 Words   |  7 Pagesthis momentous time in United States history. Speeches during this period served as a means to inspire and assemble a specific group of people, for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X it was the black community that needed to rise up in hopes of achieving equal rights and voting rights for the blacks. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two of the most prominent leaders and orators at the heart of the Civil Rights Movement. Although both leaders possessed the same objectives, theirRead More Dr. Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X Essay739 Words   |  3 PagesDr. Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were both black men, fighting for freedom in a white society. However, the word fighting meant different things for each of them. For Malcolm X, it literally means violence, as he believed in an eye for an eye. Martin Luther King, however, believed in peaceful protest, such as the Montgomery Bus Protests. MALCOLM X Born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska on May 19, 1925, Malcolm X was Read MoreMalcolm X Vs. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay1717 Words   |  7 Pagesthis momentous time in United States history. Speeches during this period served as a means to inspire and assemble a specific group of people, for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X it was the black community that needed to rise up in hopes of achieving equal rights and voting rights for the blacks. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X were two of the most prominent leaders and orators at the heart of the Civil Rights Movement. Although both leaders possessed the same objectives, theirRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr. vs. Malcolm X1263 Words   |  6 Pages* Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are two people on different ends of the scales, with totally different up-bringings. * King was brought up by a rich black family,with a good education, and a good chance at life. He was a black aristocrat, and a wealthy man. * Malcolm X was brought up in the ghetto, and had to learn to defend himself against racist white children. He was deptived of his father, who was found dead, murdered by a white mob. 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On the other hand Martin Luther King Jr. identified that if people were going to respond to hatred with more hatred then there will be little chances for change and substance which was never understood by Malcolm. He was, of course, powerful and strong as an Africa American commanding huge followers and believers, but things did not end well as Malcolm X dies in the hand of his ownRead MoreEssay Philosophies and Tactics of Dr. King and Malcolm X1492 Words   |  6 Pagesminorities. Among them, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had an everlasting effect on the treatment of minorities in the United States. Although their philosophies and tactics differed greatly, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X helped shape the Civil Rights Movement and make the United States a better place for people regardless of their race. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X had different beliefs and goals for the Civil Rights Movement. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Network security through quantum cryptography Free Essays

Abstraction: Quantum cryptanalysis provides a secure means for administering secret keys between two parties on an optical web. A alone characteristic of the technique is that the secretiveness of the keys is independent of the resources available to a hacker. In peculiar, their secretiveness does non trust upon a hard mathematical job that could be solved, or a cagey algorithm that could be cracked or even some clever hardware that might one twenty-four hours be reverse engineered. We will write a custom essay sample on Network security through quantum cryptography or any similar topic only for you Order Now In this study we focus on quantum cryptanalysis protocols and onslaughts. Introduction: Quantum Cryptography or Quantum cardinal distribution ( QKD ) takes advantage of certain phenomena that occur at the subatomic degree, so that any effort by an enemy to obtain the spots in a key non merely fails, but gets detected as good. Specifically, each spot in a cardinal corresponds to the province of a peculiar atom, such as the polarisation of a photon. The transmitter of a key has to fix a sequence of polarized photons, which are sent to the receiving system through an optical fibre or a similar medium. In order to obtain the key represented by a given sequence of photons, the receiving system must do a series of measurings. A few accounts are necessary before the full deductions of this process can be understood. A photon is an simple atom of visible radiation, transporting a fixed sum of energy. Light may be polarized ; polarisation is a physical belongings that emerges when visible radiation is regarded as an electromagnetic moving ridge. The way of a photon ‘s polarisation can be fixed to any desired angle ( utilizing a polarizing filter ) and can be measured utilizing a calcite crystal. History: The roots of quantum cryptanalysis are in a proposal by Stephen Weisner called â€Å" Conjugate Coding † from the early 1970s. It was finally published in 1983 in Sigact News, and by that clip Bennett and Brassard, who were familiar with Weisner ‘s thoughts, were ready to print thoughts of their ain. They produced â€Å" BB84, † the first quantum cryptanalysis protocol, in 1984, but it was non until 1991 that the first experimental paradigm based on this protocol was made operable ( over a distance of 32 centimetres ) . Aiming to make a web society that is safer and more convenient, Mitsubishi Electric ‘s encoding engineerings are altering the twenty-first century for the better. The secret to implementing quantum cryptanalysis is the usage of current optical fiber webs. Mitsubishi Electric has developed quantum-level engineering that enables the sensing of individual photons going through a long-distance fiber-optic communications link. This has made possible the successful execution of quantum cryptanalysis over a distance of 87 kilometres ( tantamount to the distance between Tokyo and Mount Fuji ) , a universe record. Furthermore, by uniting quantum cryptanalysis with current encoding engineerings like MISTY, it will be possible to offer high-velocity public presentation every bit good as forestalling eavesdropping. What is quantum cryptanalysis? Quantum cryptanalysis provides agencies for two parties to interchange coding key over a private channel with complete security ofcommunication. Quantum cryptanalysis uses individual photons of visible radiation to administer keys to code and decode messages. Because quantum atoms are changed by any observation or measuring, even the simplest effort at spying on the web interrupts the flow of informations and qui vives decision makers. Principle of Quantum Cryptography Quantum cryptanalysis solves the cardinal distribution job by leting the exchange of a cryptanalytic key utilizing conventional cryptanalysis algorithms between two distant parties with absolute security, guaranteed by the Torahs of natural philosophies. Therefore â€Å" quantum cardinal distribution † can be named as quantum cryptanalysis. Quantum cryptanalysis exploits the fact that harmonizing to quantum natural philosophies, the mere fact of encoding the value of a digital spot on a individual quantum object perturbs it in an irreparable manner, because the eavesdropper is forced to detect it. This disturbance causes mistakes in the sequence of spots exchanged by the transmitter and receiver. By look intoing for the presence of such mistakes, the two parties can verify whether their key was intercepted or non. That is why this engineering is used to interchange cardinal and non valuable information. Once the key is validated, it can be used to code informations. Quantum natural philosophies allows to turn out that interception of the key without disturbance is impossible. Quantum cryptanalytic protocols: BB84 PROTOCOL:A photon which is rectilinearly polarized has a polarisation way at 0 or 90 with regard to the horizontal. A diagonally polarized photon has a polarisation way at 45 ° or 135 ° . It is possible to utilize polarized photons to stand for single spots in a key or a message, with the undermentioned conventions: That is to state, a polarisation way of 0 ° or 45 ° may be taken to stand for binary 0, while waies of 45 ° and 135 ° may be taken to stand for binary 1. This is the convention used in the quantum cardinal distribution strategy BB84. BB84 is a quantum cardinal distribution strategy developed by Charles Bennett and Gilles Brassard in 1984. The protocol is demonstrably unafraid, trusting on the quantum belongings that information addition is merely perchance at the disbursal of upseting the signal if the two provinces we are seeking to separate are non extraneous. It is normally explained as a method of firmly pass oning a private key from one party to another for usage in erstwhile tablet encoding. Description: Note that the spot Bi is what decides which footing Army Intelligence is encoded in ( either in the computational footing or the Hadamard footing ) . The qubits are now in provinces which are non reciprocally extraneous, and therefore it is impossible to separate all of them with certainty without cognizing B. Alice sends over a public quantum channel to Bob. Bob receives a province, where represents the effects of noise in the channel every bit good as eavesdropping by a 3rd party we ‘ll name Eve. After Bob receives the twine of qubits, all three parties, viz. Alice, Bob and Eve, have their ain provinces. However, since merely Alice knows B, it makes it virtually impossible for either Bob or Eve to separate the provinces of the qubits. Besides, after Bob has received the qubits, we know that Eve can non be in ownership of a transcript of the qubits sent to Bob, by the no cloning theorem, unless she has made measurings. Her measurings, nevertheless, hazard upseting a peculiar qubit with chance ? if she guesses the incorrect footing. Bob returns to bring forth a twine of random spots b ‘ of the same length as B, and so measures the twine he has received from Alice, a ‘ . At this point, Bob announces publically that he has received Alice ‘s transmittal. Alice so knows she can now safely announce B. Bob communicates over a public channel with Alice to find which Bi? b’i are non equal. Both Alice and Bob now discard the qubits in a and a ‘ where B and B ‘ do non fit. From the staying K spots where both Alice and Bob measured in the same footing, Alice indiscriminately chooses K / 2 spots and discloses her picks over the public channel. Both Alice and Bob announce these spots publically and run a cheque to see if more than a certain figure of them agree. If this cheque passes, Alice and Bob proceed to utilize information rapprochement and privateness elaboration techniques to make some figure of shared secret keys. Otherwise, they cancel and start over. The stairss in the process are listed below: Alice generates a random binary sequences. Alice chooses which type of photon to utilize ( rectilinearly polarized, â€Å" Roentgen † , or diagonally polarized, â€Å" D † ) in order to stand for each spot in s. We say that a rectilinearly polarized photon encodes a spot in the R-basis, while a diagonally polarized photon encodes a spot in the D-basis. Let b denote the sequence of picks of footing for each photon. Alice uses specialised equipment, including a light beginning and a set of polarizers, to make a sequence P of polarized photons whose polarisation waies represent the spots in s. Alice sends the photon sequence P to Bob over a suited quantum channel, such as an optical fibre. For each photon received, Bob makes a conjecture as to whether it is rectilinearly or diagonally polarized, and sets up his measuring device consequently. Let B ‘ denote his picks of footing. Bob measures each photon with regard to the footing chosen in measure 5, bring forthing a new sequence of spots s ‘ . Alice and Bob communicate over a classical, perchance public channel. Specifically, Alice tells Bob her pick of footing for each spot, and he tells her whether he made the same pick. The spots for which Alice and Bob have used different bases are discarded from s and s ‘ . Examples: Let ‘s see the followers scenario, illustrated in Figure 1: Alice and Bob are linked together via a noiseless optical fibre. Eve, the eavesdropper, is capable of doing measurings on single photons go throughing through the fibre. See the instance in which Alice wants to pass on the binary sequence 00110 to Bob through this apparatus, utilizing BB84. Alice and Bob perform the stairss described in the old subdivision, detailed below. The inquiry Markss indicate spot places for which measuring will bring forth a random consequence ( 0 or 1 with equal chance ) . The whole procedure is illustrated in Figure 2, where alternatively of inquiry Markss. Alice prepares the binary sequence s = 00110, portion of which will be used subsequently as the common cryptanalytic key with Bob. Alice chooses a sequence of encoding bases at random, say b = RDRDD. ( Remember: â€Å" Roentgen † = rectilineal polarisation ( 0A ° or 90A ° ) ; â€Å" D † = diagonal polarisation ( 45A ° or 135A ° ) . Alice encodes s utilizing the bases B, to bring forth the sequence of photons with several polarisations 0A ° , 45A ° , 90A ° , 135A ° , 45A ° . Eve makes a random pick of measuring bases, eb = RRDDD. Eve intercepts each photon and measures it with her pick of footing, bring forthing a sequence of spots es = 0-10. Eve substitutes the photons she has intercepted, by encoding the spots obtained in the old measure with the bases chosen in measure 4. This is known as an â€Å" intercept-resend † onslaught. Bob receives the photons placed on the optical fibre by Eve, and measures them with a set of randomly chosen measuring bases b ‘ = RDDRD, obtaining eventually a sequence of spots s ‘ = 0-0. Alice and Bob compare their picks of footing and observe Eve ‘s presence with the 2nd spot, for which they used indistinguishable bases but obtained different spot values ; they discard the 3rd and 4th spot, go forthing s = 000 and s ‘ = 0? 0. The sequence of stairss in the BB84 quantum cardinal distribution strategy, in the presence of an eavesdropper. For the 2nd and 3rd spot in this illustration, Eve makes an wrong pick of measurement footing, indicated with ruddy coloured text. Bob makes an wrong pick of footing for the 3rd and 4th spot, likewise indicated in ruddy. For the 2nd spot, although Bob has chosen the right footing ( D ) , the result of measuring does non fit the original spot encoded by Alice – this allows Alice and Bob to observe Eve ‘s presence. Attacks: In Quantum Cryptography, traditional man-in-the-middle onslaughts are impossible due to the Observer Effect. If Mallory efforts to stop the watercourse of photons, he will necessarily change them. He can non re-emit the photons to Bob right, since his measuring has destroyed information about the photon ‘s full province and correlativities. If Alice and Bob are utilizing an entangled photon system, so it is virtually impossible to commandeer these, because making three embroiled photons would diminish the strength of each photon to such a grade that it would be easy detected. Mallory can non utilize a man-in-the-middle onslaught, since he would hold to mensurate an embroiled photon and interrupt the other photon, so he would hold to re-emit both photons. This is impossible to make, by the Torahs of quantum natural philosophies. Because a dedicated fibre ocular line is required between the two points linked by quantum cryptanalysis, a denial of service onslaught can be mounted by merely cutting the line or, possibly more sneakily, by trying to tap it. If the equipment used in quantum cryptanalysis can be tampered with, it could be made to bring forth keys that were non unafraid utilizing a random figure generator onslaught. Quantum cryptanalysis is still vulnerable to a type of MITM where the interceptor ( Eve ) establishes herself as â€Å" Alice † to Bob, and as â€Å" Bob † to Alice. Then, Eve merely has to execute QC dialogues on both sides at the same time, obtaining two different keys. Alice-side key is used to decode the incoming message, which is reencrypted utilizing the Bob-side key. This onslaught fails if both sides can verify each other ‘s individuality. Adi Shamir has proposed an onslaught which applies at least to polarisation strategies. Rather than try to read Alice and Bob ‘s individual photons, Mallory sends a big pulsation of light back to Alice in between familial photons. Alice ‘s equipment necessarily reflects some of Mallory ‘s visible radiation. Even if the transmission equipment is dead black it has some little coefficient of reflection. When Mallory ‘s visible radiation comes back to Mallory it is polarized and Mallory knows the province of Alice ‘s polarizer. Applications: Confidentiality of web communications, for illustration, is of great importance for e-commerce and other web applications. However, the applications of cryptanalysis go far beyond simple confidentiality Cryptanalysis allows the web concern and client to verify the genuineness and unity of their minutess. Sensitive information sent over an unfastened web may be scrambled into a signifier that can non be understood by a hacker or eavesdropper utilizing an encoding algorithm, which transforms the spots of the message into an unintelligible signifier. There are many illustrations of information on unfastened webs, which need to be protected in this manner, for case, bank history inside informations, recognition card minutess, or confidential wellness or revenue enhancement records. Secure Video Conferencing can be achieved by Quantum Cryptography. Long-distance communications with quantum encoding We find applications of quantum cryptanalysis in Government and Military Fieldss. The most straightforward application of quantum cryptanalysis is in distribution of secret keys. Another potentially applicable country of application is cryptanalysis: It is possible to build quantum channels that are immune to listen ining. We use quantum cryptanalysis to procure voice informations watercourse. Decision: Before two parties can direct information firmly, they must first exchange a secret key. This nevertheless presents a quandary, sometimes called the ‘Catch 22 of Cryptography ‘ – how can the two parties exchange a cardinal in secret before they can pass on in secret? Even if the transmitter and receiving system found a channel that they believed to be unafraid, in the yesteryear there has been no manner to prove the secretiveness of each key. Quantum cryptanalysis solves this job. It allows the transmitter and receiving system to prove and vouch the secretiveness of each single key. Mentions: Cambridge Research Laboratory Scientific American magazine ( January 2005 issue ) V. Makarov, D. Hjelme, Faked states on quantum cryptosystems, J. Mod. Opt. 45, pp. 2039-2047, 2001. T. Kum, I. Stork, F. N. C. Wong, J. H. Shapiro, Complete physical simulation of the entangling-probe onslaught on the BB84 protocol,,2006. Basicss of Network Security, PHI How to cite Network security through quantum cryptography, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Jet Blue and Westjet free essay sample

Over the previous years, customers have been sufficiently hinging upon carrier reservation systems to book their tickets, store arranges, pay for the tickets and in like manner check-in on the web. There has also been advancement in speedier support times which speeds up stretched customer satisfaction since customers can mastermind, book and pay on the web. Air transport associations are prepared to settle on outstanding essential decisions on which track to store on and how to improve their help by picking up doorway to past records about their customers recovered by the system or framework. Sol 2: WestJet moreover utilized an extraordinary arrangement of money for testing the structure and planning the delegates well early of course there was an heightened danger of hurting the imprint name since other incorporating issues for instance online website slams made customers wrathful and conveyed a horrible reputation. In the wake of seeing what happened to WestJet, JetBlue tested a equivalent threat of losing customers all through the redesign framework or system despite they would have been wise to reason costs to development a go down site. We will write a custom essay sample on Jet Blue and Westjet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sol 3: WestJet would have been wise to supervise a huge amount of scenarios by empowering new framework however JetBlue learnt from the scenarios of WestJet and took wellbeing measures. WestJet would have done well to trade around 840000 records and it took an incredible arrangement of time. Customers were not satisfied because of their direct work and it demolished their reputation. Sol 4: I would apparently check the structure before I enable new reservation framework. They may too enroll more staff for the reason that reports could be traded effectively. They might simultaneously have done diverse steps and investigate before performing the previously stated courses of action. On the off chance that something happens with new framework then they may also have move down and distinctive ways so customer wont challenge any inconvenience.