Saturday, October 5, 2019

Martin Luther's Eucharist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Martin Luther's Eucharist - Research Paper Example This essay will argue that Luther’s adherence to sola scriptura shaped his sacramental theology of the Eucharist in The Babylonian Captivity of the Church. This paper will demonstrate Luther’s dependence on the Bible for his theology of the Eucharist by exploring the way he employs the Scriptures to do three things. First, Luther argues that the Eucharist is one of the three sacraments of the Church. Second, he declares that the bread and wine should both be made available to the congregation. Thirdly, he advances an argument against transubstation. All three of these arguments, as will be demonstrated, are rooted in Luther’s interpretation of the Scriptures. Criticizing the adoption of pagan practices by the Church, Martin Luther’s the Babylonian Captivity attempts to point to the pagan practices that Luther denoted were not founded on scripture. Some of these included the way in which indulgences were sold and/or the way in which the Pope was understood as the vicar of the Son of God; elements that were clearly not founded on scripture and the earthly teachings of Christ or His disciples.2 This particular treatise was published in 1520 after a period earlier in that year when Pope Leo X had published a bull that expressed disapproval of his teachings against the corruption that had become rampant in the Church. The papal bull also gave Luther some sixty days to repudiate what were alleged to be his heresies, and if he did not do as the pope demanded, he would be excommunicated.3 Historians have widely speculated concerning whether Luther saw the actual bull, but the fact that he mentions it in the later parts of the Babylonian C aptivity means that he may have had some knowledge of and most likely ignored it. What followed was that the pope officially excommunicated Luther and the possible reason behind his excommunication was not only

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