Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Psychology Research Oral Presentation Essays - Neuroscience

Psychology Research Oral Presentation Hypothesis: Can sleep deprivation cause an increase in anxiety within medical students? Purpose of the study is to find a correlation between sleep deprivation and anxiety within Medical students Prediction: Sleep deprivation will cause a significant increase in anxiety of medical students Sleep disorders are particularly increasing in students as they face multiple stressors such as academic overload, constant pressure to succeed, and concerns about the future that alter the quality of their sleep Design: Using an Observational cross-sectional study: (definition data are collected during a single brief time period) during an academic year. To use questionnaires to find results.4 questionnaires would be faced to faced administered to students after obtaining written consent The 4 questionnaires were to measure their sleep quality and assessing Anxiety levels. Found to be the most common and effective questionnaires used in studies of sleep and anxiety The insomnia Severity index (ISI) Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item scale (GAD-7) Methodology: Questionnaire Survey Personal data about age, gender and faculty were collected. The ISI Is a 7-item self-report questionnaire. Assessing the nature, severity, and impact of insomnia. The evaluated domains are: Severity of sleep onset Sleep maintenance Early morning awakening problems Sleep dissatisfaction Interference of sleep difficulties with daytime functioning Perception of sleep difficulties by others Distress caused by the sleep difficulties. A 5-point Likert scale was used to rate each item (0 to 4 where 0 indicates no problem and 4 corresponds to a very severe problem), yielding a total score ranging from 0 to 28. The total score was interpreted as follows: absence of insomnia (0-7); sub-clinical (mild) insomnia (8-14); moderate insomnia (15-21); and severe insomnia (22-28). The PSQI Is a 19-items questionnaire evaluating sleep quality and disturbances The first four items are open questions, whereas items 5 to 19 are rated on a 4-point Likert scale. Individual items scores yield seven components: Sleep disturbance Overall sleep quality Sleep latency Duration of sleep Daytime dysfunction due to sleepiness Sleep efficiency Need for medicines to sleep A total score, ranging from 0 to 21, was obtained by adding the seven component scores. Some studies stated that a score 5 suggests a good sleep quality. The ESS Is a self-administered questionnaire with eight questions Each participant rated on a 4-point scale (0-3) his general level of daytime sleepiness, or the average sleep propensity in daily life. The total ESS score was the sum of eight item-scores and ranged between 0 and 24. The higher the score, the higher is the person's level of daytime sleepiness, with significant sleepiness when the score was 10 [24, 25]. GAD-7 Is a 7-item instrument that assesses generalized anxiety severity. Each item was scored 0 to 3, providing a 0 to 21 severity score (0-4: normal; 5-9: mild anxiety; 10-14: moderate anxiety and 15-21: severe anxiety Assessment of anxiety: Studying anxiety levels after periods of sleep deprivation In the case of total sleep deprivation only anxiety assessments acquired after 24h of lack of sleep were extracted. In the case of repeated measures, the first and the last available measures were always extracted; but intermediate assessments were only extracted if multiples of 12 (e.g., 36h, 48h). Operational Definitions: Sleep deprivation: sleeping less than the required amount of 8 hours before said time to wake up or class start A lack of sleep, which included total sleep deprivation (complete absence of sleep) Partial sleep deprivation (deprivation of one specific sleep stage, such asREM sleep) Sleep restriction (reduction in total time of sleep) Sleep fragmentation (intermittent awakenings through the sleep period). Taking account for the loss of sleep we also define insomnia Insomnia: the inability to sleep Anxiety: an overwhelming feeling of stress during upcoming tests or assignments as well as amount of course load Subjects: Randomly picking students under 3 faculties Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry Criteria: Inclusion: 18yrs and above and willingness to participate Exclusion: under 18yrs and presence of a chronic disease and history of Students were randomly selected For each of the studying the practice randomly selecting 1 male and female Studying the entirety of one semester Breaking it down from the beginning of the term to the midterm approaching and to final examinations Ethical Considerations: Informed consent

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