Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human resource - Essay Example He is an authority on the matters of career development programmes. The other researcher namely Veerle Brenninkmeijer is the assistant professor at Utrecht University. She works in the department of social and Organizational Psychology. She has worked on the aspects of social comparison and burnout of employees. Wilmar B. Schaufeli is also the full professor of work and organizational psychology at the Utrecht University. The university is located in Netherlands. Mr. Schaufeli is also the visiting professor at the Loughborough Business School in the United Kingdom. He also works as a part time organization consultant. Roland W. B. Blonk got his education in the subject of Clinical Philosophy in the University of Amsterdam. Mr. Blonk has a doctorate on the treatment of outcome studies. He also holds a special chair at the Utrecht University on two different research papers. The article has been published as an online article in the 2014 Under Human resource management in Wiley periodi cals incorporated. Thus the article can be said to be a recent article in this field (Akkermans, Brenninkmeijer, Schaufeli, and Blonk, 2014). The article is based on the investigation into the effectiveness of careerSkills program which is a career development innovation that is based on the career competencies and Jobs methodology. The aim of the new program that has been developed is to stimulate career self-management and well being of the new employees in an organization. The researchers tasted the effectives of the program by testing the program on a homogeneous group of people. The career development of the individuals was studied by the researchers and the effectiveness of the career development programs specially the program that was tested by the researchers. The article that is given here shows the result of the research by the researchers in the field. The article in the online source is given with the analysis of the research in the field on the training and

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