Friday, November 1, 2019

Multimedia and Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Multimedia and Design - Essay Example Norman (2007) reveals that it is particularly important that before we judge these people we try step into their shoes. Before allowing one to label this person, try imagining they are acting like so or saying those things they are saying. Maybe this person always keeps to him/herself because s/he is uncomfortable around others, they just are not used to conversing with people hence they are a little cold, or most probably, they were not feeling well at the particular time you encounter them. We need to put ourselves on the receiving end, as in being treated the way we may be treating these people. It is necessary to note this before saying anything to the other person. It is definite that you would be pretty hurt if a stranger or someone you are not familiar with said something mean to you because you did not look or sound or act to their expectations or anticipated thoughts. If you could not take the pain, then you would not want to subject someone else through the same path. Just because the first encounter with this person gave you a poor impression does not mean that they are constantly saying or acting in that manner. Some people may be psychiatric cases, a force the prompts them behave in weird ways, and if one is not able to; at an instance make this out, one may end being prejudiced in his/her judgment of the subject. There is a probability of them having a bad day at the time of encounter or were in some way depressed or angry (Norman, 2007). One should try to engage this person often and see how they act before you create an impression. Some people are generally moody hence; a number of encounters should be enough ground to draw a solid ground on their behavior. Some machines are able to read peoples moods and determine the ability to engage in some chores effectively in the said mood, while some can measure the level of desire of something in a person. Norman (2007) suggests the need of incorporating an emotional component program into

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